Afholdt AIDC Denmark Webinar: Logistics (se video)

Afholdt AIDC Denmark Webinar: Logistics (se video)

Afholdt AIDC Denmark Webinar: Logistics (se video)

549 549 people viewed this event.

I rækken af AIDC webinarer præsenterer vi her Tracking & Tracing cases indenfor Logistics & Supply Chain.

In this webinar the presentation language will be English as we have at least one of the presenters as non-danish speaking.

– Intro to AIDC and AIDC Denmark.
– A case study for tracking & tracing: “from the vineyard to the bottle” , presented by Carlo Carminati, S@it (in english).
– A danish retail case Eventyr Sport , presented by Peter Siggaard-Andersen, Tecsys
– Q & A.

Alle er velkomne på webinaret – Everyone are welcome to join the webinar.

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Date And Time

2021-04-08 @ 03:00 PM to
2021-04-08 @ 04:00 PM


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