Forfatternavn:Henrik Granau

Cooperation between AIDC Denmark and RFID Nordic

In extension of the “RFID & IoT in the Nordics” conference that was held in Copenhagen on 1. June this year, AIDC Denmark has discussed with the Swedish RFID Nordic association how the two associations could help each other. Both associations have a foundation in automatic identification and data capture and a focus on Internet-of-Things

Cooperation between AIDC Denmark and RFID Nordic Read More »

Efterspørgslen efter RFID løsninger stiger

Ny markedsanalyse viser at den nuværende globale pandemi synes at virke som katalysator for efterspørgslen efter RFID løsninger. Data Collected by RAIN 2015-2020: Forecast 2021-2024 – RAIN Market Research Report 2020 Base Line and Best Case Scenarios (Image: RAIN Alliance) I alt 21 mia. RAIN RFID tag IC’s (integrated circuits) blev der globalt solgt i

Efterspørgslen efter RFID løsninger stiger Read More »

AIDC Denmark etablerer arbejdsgruppe for BLE/UWB

Foreningen AIDC Denmark vil udarbejde vejledning til hvordan danske virksomheder kan sikre sig imod at havne i en teknologisk blindgyde ved valg af sporings- og lokaliserings-løsninger baseret på Bluetooth og Ultra Wide Band. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) fremstår allerede i dag, som et kvalificeret alternativ ved etablering af real-tids lokaliserings systemer (RTLS), og der er

AIDC Denmark etablerer arbejdsgruppe for BLE/UWB Read More »

Working group to support the use of RFID road charging technology on European roads

The Rain Alliance has formed a working group to support the use of its radio-frequency identification (RFID) road charging technology on European roads. The non-profit organisation is seeking to accelerate the adoption of ultra high frequency (UHF) and RFID technology in business and consumer applications. Members of the European Road Charging Workgroup (EURCWG), including Star

Working group to support the use of RFID road charging technology on European roads Read More »

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