AIDC use case presentations

  • Why start using AIDC?
  • What to achieve?
  • Which approach?
  • What was achieved?
  • What was learned?
  • Next steps?

With increased demand for sustainability and a growing number of new circular business models, we have seen enhanced requirements for eco-friendly RFID technology.
However Today eco-friendly RFID technology has been implemented in various applications, including Dairy food and Refill equipment at LIDL UK.
In this presentation you will learn about the achievements in the LIDL UK implementation, and you will be inspired on where the eco-friendly RFID labels could also be used.

Presented by Pim Van Loosbrook, The RFID Company BV

2D barcodes carrying more information on products, as well as utilizing the potential of a web-enabled process, promises great strides in reducing food waste across industry. Furthermore, using the very same properties, a new norm of recalls and food safety are on the horizon. All while allowing Brand Owners to communicate with consumers, directly via their smartphones.

Presented by Mads Kibsgaard, GS1 Denmark

In supply chains and logistics visibility and quality of service is as important as ever. Yet, many warehouses are still non-automated and non-digitized. This causes Extra work, Poor utilization of capacity​, Errors​, Slow processing​, Inability to react​ and Extra work​​.
These problems make it difficult to provide accurate tracking data to customers and run a cost-efficient operation. As well, it makes customer retention difficult and makes organizations less competitive.
The solution for organizations that provide warehousing services is to utilize actual real time visibility through digitalization of your SKUs such that they tell you where there are placed in the warehouse, effectively a Warehouse of Things (WoT), just like Internet of Things (IoT) is in supply chains.
Come and hear how it works and has been applied in Warehousing services.

Presented by Christian Meinhardt, Lyngsoe Systems

Thousands of pieces of luggage are lost every day at airports around the world. To
ensure that passengers receive the correct luggage at the right time, baggage handling
has to happen with extreme precision when passengers arrive at the final destination.
CPH Airport identified image tracking (video analytics) as a supplement to the existing Baggage Handling System to help mitigate these issues. 
How Machine Learning Models can replace unique identification with barcodes, RFID etc.?
What are the advantages and limitations when using cameras and Machine Learning for bag tracking? 

Presented by Nicholai Stålung, Trifork

Industry-4.0 and Smart Production are technology concepts that are used to create smart factories and smart warehouses – factories and warehouses that are fully automated combining robotics and digitalization. Sometimes referred to as “lights out factories” – factories that can run without or with little manual interfaction.

An often overlooked part of Industry-4.0 and Smart Production is the concept of smart products. Products that either are connected, monitored or represented digitally via a digital shadow. 

In this presentation you will learn how factories and warehouses today can be intelligently controlled and how digital twin models are applied for production, distribution and how they stretch to enable product-life-cycle monitoring via digital shadows. Allowing product traceability, quality assurance, maintenance and climate footprint to be monitored and continuously improved.

Presented by Niki Nicolas Grigoriou, Intelligent Systems

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