About the Speakers


Trine Plambech, Alexandra Institute

As the Director of Digital Sustainability and head of the business area Digital Sustainable Transition at the Alexandra Institute, TrinePlambech is regarded as a thought leader in the field.

She is a dedicated innovation consultant, advisor and keynote speaker.

She has many years’ experience of digitalisation and sustainability and has helped a wide range of public and private organisations develop strategies for their digital transformation.

Read more about Trine on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/trineplambech/


Christian Østergaard, PostNord

Christian Østergaard is Lead Visionary and Senior Group Strategist, former Business CIO, Head of Logistics and Program Director with a demonstrated history of reengineering and innovating logistics and supply chain industry.

Read more about Christian on LinkedIn



Thomas Duparque, Zebra Technologies

Thomas Duparque is Healthcare vertical Lead in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) at Zebra Technologies with seasoned experience from the healthcare industry.

Read more about Thomas on LinkedIn



Lars Schnell, CIRCMAR

Lars Schnell is Chief Technical Officer of CIRCMAR, where he is responsible for setting the technical direction, driving innovation and partnership. With over 26 years in the industry, Lars played the role of a CTO, enterprise architect, consultant and developer to a number of multinational companies. Lars currently focuses on IoT, RTI asset handling, Artificial Intelligence, exploring challenges in smart transportation and values chain solutions and future technology innovation.

Read more about Lars on LinkedIn


Henrik B. Granau, AIDC Denmark

Henrik B. Granau is Chairman of the Board for AIDC Denmark.

After a long carriere in IT Management and executive General Management, Henrik has the last 18 years worked with AIDC in general and RFID in greater detail. Henrik has been following the international RFID Market and technology development for more than 15 years.

Read more about Henrik om LinkedIn


Torbjørn Eriksen, STYKKA

Torbjørn Eriksen is a seasoned executive with a wealth of expertise in management, strategy, business development and SaaS, with a track record of optimizing value chains, particularly in service, sales, and operations.

Always with a commitment to business growth and profitability, including developing new processes, creating new business areas and continuously working towards improving profit margins.


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